Besides rereading the Hound of the Baskervilles (ab fab!) I have been reading the Inspector Barnaby mysteries by Caroline Graham. They are fantastic and amazing and the characters and plots and subplots are extremely entertaining. Her work is motivating me to try and write another mystery novel. I'll see what I can do.
I would also like to read Reginald Hill (Dlaziel and Pascoe) and reread Dorothy L. Sayers. Lord Peter Wimsey is the man of my dreams!
My friend and great writer Dan Andriacco is always busy composing- he has so many literary irons in the fire that I am quite impressed by his creative flames!!
Check out my daughter's blog about dating and life in the fast lane
tinskies.blogspot.com cool stuff!
The Mysterious Affair at Longbourn please read my new short story written for the Jane Austen Society Chicago Chapter! Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy meet a Sherlockian Marquess and solve a mystery!
Thanks, mom! Love your blog. Keep posting!!!